Saturday, February 28, 2009

So? What to do now? Go back to the states? Stay here and try and make something work?

So, as I said, the work here is slow. Really, really slow! I am kind of at another cross road. I think I found a good place to fly on the OSA pennisula. That said I don't much care for the town of Jimenez. But there is a runway in the middle of the town and it is a town of fishermen. It supposedly has some of the best fishing in the world. Anglers from all over the world show up there to fish for Marlin.

I am considering trying it for a month down there. But I will know for sure tonight after discussing with Guido.

If that doesn't work out I may head to Puerto Veijo and try and find some temporary work until I settle up some of my loose ends. Like selling the 2 motorcycles.

Possibly then I may return to the states(a little defeated of course) and get a REAL Job again. ARRRGH!

Money is running thin so I need to start making some instead of spending it all.

I should know more tomorrow and will update my blog accordingly.