Friday, July 16, 2010

Paths taken, paths changed, paths lost. Casualties of human connections.

So there are friends you know that will always be your friend. There are friends you "think" will always be your friend... that were never your friend. There are enemies who become your friend. Their are true friends from unexpected places. And their are enemies from the best of friends.

So this said: "Can't we all get along?" "No." Human condition grows through adversity. You change how you treat people and yourself based on the results of those actions. But sometimes... the way you treat someone is an adverse reaction to how they treated you. And more often than not. People can dish it more than they can take it. If I'm constantly defending myself against you. I will eventually take the offensive. And this is gonna hurt you. Sorry for that... but don't pick at me unless you mean it. And if you pick at me first. Expect it. It's coming... and it's probably gonna hurt. I'm pretty smart too. And I bow to "know" one! Get it? If you aren't "one" you won't. lol.