Friday, April 13, 2012

Eric Haller - Mystery Man/Buddha/Rockstar

Eric Haller I know well and don't know at all. I've spoken to him several times about music, addiction, music, rockstars, music, and the imminent vortex explosion. He has a past that I shall not dwell but is scattered with amazing legends. His appearance is unique. He has a sort of Lex Luther crossed with the Buddha appearance in daily life. His head is bald and shiny. He always has a kind of witty grin on his face. I see Haller ride through some of the sketchiest places, day or night with confidence and poise. I think he has a machete but I'm sure a deity of his stature really doesn't need one. I asked him one time, "Eric, you don't worry about the late night thugs?" He said, "Loveless, I am completely aware." It's true Eric Haller has poise and intellectual superiority over just a common man. There's something special about Haller.He' has a certain almost buddha like presence... until... until... he's the front man.

Then there's a whole new buddha with technicolor sound blazing from his fingertips, rockstar growl, clean falsetto, and a head swaying to the heavens as he feels what he plays. It's quite a site. At one of Rocking J's birthday parties, he was absolutely completely in a rockstar moment. I remember being drunk and on mushrooms when the whole party peaked as sober Eric's music peaked with us. I looked him in the eyes and silently spoke, "Rockstar". His eye contact was true and intense as he gave a certain nod yes. Eric Haller is a true superstar rock n roller. Once in the studio he played some keys. I remember him giving me a kind of 'hmmmm what would Loveless like look." Then he layed into some up tempo quick fingered dixie land kind of ditty. I did love it. He blew me away.

He is a key rockstar in the musical foundation of Puerto Viejo. Haller is also the most active participant in the local government and public safety roles. He'll always give you an honest answer with a kind a laugh like, "Well, Loveless, you ready for the truth." And he does indeed uphold respect, honesty, integrity, and generosity... 4 rules of a Devil. So's he completely legit. But there is this elusiveness... a kind of mystery to him. Kind of like he knows something we don't. I see him on his bicycle in all kind of random spots with the same look of vulnerable invisibility. To repeat: when he's the front man it's a completely charismatic larger than life rock n roil persona.

Today you can see Eric Haller on his bike... lol... or rocking out 3 to 7 nights a week at Mango'sand Tex Mex.