Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Oh Adobe.. Oh Adobe

Oh Adobe... Oh Adobe... you will be in my life forever... won't you. The first program I used on the MAC 7600 was photoshop 2.0 in 1993?.

Using PhotoShop lead me into graphics where I became an expert level PhotoShop and Illustrator user.

That in turn bought me into designing web pages using Dreamweaver and Flash. Designing web pages paved the way for programming. Programming lead me to Adobe.

At Adobe I spent 7 years working on mostly on installer technology for Creative Suites and Point Products.

NOW! I am installing CS3 and CS4 on 150 MACS as my main project. Essentially, I will be configuring, testing and reverse engineering the hell out of years of my own work in some cases. THAT'S JUST WEIRD! LOL!

Following Adobe was following my heart as an artist and free thinker. Adobe is why I use a MAC. I was able to take 2+ years OFF and travel the world after working for them. They afforded me the opportunity to buy an airplane and nice cars. Nothing but good has come out of it. I am honored to have been part of such a KICK ASS company! At such a magical time!

So for all my friends still working there THANKS. It is a really great place to work. The people there are what make it great. I met some of the most interesting people in my life at that company. I will always be a fan of the work you do for me! Rock On!