Friday, June 19, 2009

Kick my bike over??? But this is the MARINE's bike!

So I am sitting at the bar. Like, how many times have I started an entry with those words? LOL! So any way, some dude with a skateboard, comes in and asks "who has a Kawasaki Enduro?" "Um me... why?" "Um some skater kid just pushed it over. Don't worry I called the cops." I think... "Cops?" I don't like cops(no offense)... especially if I am hanging out at a bar drinking. So, I walk out to the bike. There it lays on it's side. So sad. So I start looking it over. No gas leaking. No anti-freeze. Mind you, it is liquid cooled and could have lot's of fluid escaping... but nothing to my surprise. We pick up the bike(me and the guy who alerted me). All I see is a scratch on the roll cage that is protecting my engine. A scratch on my handle bar weight. Nothing else. No wonder the Marine's use this bike. I LOVE THIS BIKE! My previous HONDA would have been fucked... broken clutch lever etc. FROM EXPERIENCE! This bike still looks like new. And further more... my throttle now stays in place... could be a problem in a later post... but for now... I've been thinking about adding cruise control for my long journey. This is perfect. I actually rode 8 miles with no hands. Rock on lil punks! I feel the angst... I appreciate the pain.

That said... as I am riding... I keep thinking, "what smells like piss?" Then I realize it... "LIL FUCKERS PISSED IN MY HELMET!" Damn it! This is not one to be washed. So tomorrow I spend some of my ever diminishing funds on yet another helmet. Dang. Lil punks got me good. Oh well. Life goes on! Lil punks! God bless them. Although I would have liked to escape with all my money... but it is not to be.

Daytona sucks. Not really! It has actually been very nice. Later foo's.