So after Grand Junction.... I stopped to take a picture. A young guy on a road trip asks me if I want him to take a picture of me on the bike. I say no I've got a tripod. He asks where I am headed. I tell him Salt Lake City. He then informs me that I should got to MOAB instead. Says maybe he'll see me. Well I did detour to MOAB and ended up following his car. First photo op we stopped at the same time. I asked if he was alone and camping. Maybe he could use some company. He said he was and kept admiring the bike. So I followed him someways to a camp site. We decided to put all my stuff in his car and take the bike to Arches National Park. He'd already been there... and every time I screamed WOW! He told me "Just wait until the next turn." And he was absolutely right. He also knew his geology and explained what we were seeing. I enjoyed his commentary. We watched the sun go down then headed back to camp. "He said he'd been waiting his whole life to come here... he said it was the best day of his life!" I was honored to have shared in what some one considered the best day of their life. On the way back we talked bikes. He was an avid cyclist and the conversation turned to motorcycles. He'd never ridden one. I told him I'd let him but it was a big bike... not for the beginner. Then we stopped for fuel. I noticed he was tall. He told me he was 6'6". Well this is just a kids bike for him. And although you'd think I'd have learned a lesson from a broken bike in Costa Rica at the hands of my dear friend Conrad. I can't help but share the joys I have in this world with those who don't. So I stayed up until sunrise listening to music as a vampire does. He woke up and asked what I was still doing up. I went to the tent and told him the sun was coming up and it was time for his ride because traffic was light. I made him squeeze into all my riding gear. 2 sizes too small... but it's armor. I gave him a few lessons and set him on his way. Told him I'd come looking in 2 hours if he did not return. Apparently he rode it through Arches National Park successfully as the sun rose. He woke me up and said he had to go. Thank me for the experience and said he needed to get going because he was inspired to see more. Or something to that effect. He packed up his shit. Exchange contact information. And off he went. It was really a nice experience. I hope my journey has inspired him. And I think I did.