So I've got 2 weeks left in this grey town. Emerald City my ass. When you are having a rough time and constantly depressed this place sucks. "Oh what do you know? It's grey, cold and rainy again. Fuck this! I hate this place. Arrrrgh." So remaining at my desk for the next 2 weeks is going to be unbearable. Although I really can use that last pay check and dental appointment.
I have my regrests no doubt about coming back. Especially staying with Ed. What a fucking bad idea that was. Best left unsaid... if you don't know already. Anyhow at least now I have a criminal record. That always looks good on an artist's resume.
I am glad I came back to put closure on me and Stacie's divorce. Now I am moving away sad, not angry like before. This is better. I will miss the friends that I've made here in Seattle: The Launs, Sassy, Kenneth, Dawne, Slatton, Marlowe, Carly, Blane, Sherri, TDoug, Reiley, Rosie, Raven, etc. (The rest of you know I love you just as much as well.)
I hope that I land on my feet. Because one never knows. I am looking forward to the adventure. I can almost taste the freedom. Damn it tastes good. I pray that I improve my health, find peace, find a wife and make some babies.
I'll be sitting at this desk watching youtube for the next 2 weeks. Peace out!