I shall reflect this evening on how I learned to Moonwalk, wore a silver glove and owned 3 Micheal Jackson jackets. Once, me and 2 friends Sean Feaster, and Shane Derking all had them on at a Godfather's pizza. I walked into the dining room first(I was like 9 years old) and some teenagers snikered "look it's Micheal Jackson" they laughed. Then Sean wlaked in they said "Look it's Micheal Jackson again"... and poor Shane entered next. They shouted, "And IT'S ANOTHER ONE!" The whole table of teenagers busted into laughter... and laughed at us for the remainder of our meal. That was the last day I wore a Micheal Jackson Jacket.
I do also remeber learning to moonwalk with my father the night I saw him do it... and woowing the audience at a talent show the following week.
He will be missed... wacko jacko... but we may see him again with Walt Disney right? He is gonna be frozen as well.