So today I stood out on one of those round abouts at the end of the Rambla. It wasn't nearly as crowded as yesterday's. Mostly young students came by and gawked. They would say something like, "Very Cool." And when I was packing up I got a comment, "Are you finished?" I assume he didn't think so. I was losing light and needed to pack it up. I am not painting these pieces for a gallery or museum. I'm painting for food, lodging and such. So I think it's pretty much done. I've never stood outside in public and just started painting what I see. I'm making lot's of mistakes but they are fun mistakes. So I'm averaging about 1-2 hours per painting. Next week once my sleep pattern syncs up. My goal is to paint 3 paintings a day 5 days a week. So for 3 months of work. I should net a creation of approx. 180 paintings. More paintings than my total life's worth of painting. So is this trip worth it... fucking A! And I've been drawing a lot as well. I think I should get an apartment here to save money... but not sure if I want to move along the coast. There's just so much to paint here. And the people are great.