A night out of drinking. Would you believe I know everyone in the place now? No more cover charge for Loveless! Who would have thunk it? I'm sure the Mars Bar is breathing a sigh of relief. Now another country has to put up with my bullshit. By the end of the night all of my drinks were free. Everyone that came in was introduced to me... people would say "This is Senior Loveless." Then I'd hear some Spanish spoken with the words "Sin Amor" thrown in. Then there was a big laugh. Apparently a man with no love is quite assuming and worth a free drink. There is one club where there were no free drinks and speaking to the ladies required a credit check. I still no longer have to pay cover here. My friend Raluca works here. She is such a beautiful soul. I paid for her to keep her clothes on and tell me about her life. Damn I'm blessed. She listened to my iPod after the "non-dance" dance. Her favorite song is "It's a wonderful world". Ironic after hearing her life story. When leaving a homeless guy tried to sell me his bike for 10 euros. Instead of buying it I paid 10 euros for a ride. He is now forever my friend. This is me on my 10 euro bike ride. I had trouble riding a straght in a line. Damn I look like shit in this photo... not to mention drunk and crazy! Oh well... that is Senior Loveless!