I had a really great time in Denver. I was impressed mostly by the cleanliness of the city. I also noticed the city planning was superb, good transit system, and it seemed like all the buildings were coordinated. They all seemed to go together. It gave a very pleasant feel to the city. I was fortunate enough to meet a young fellow that had just ride-shared from Northern California. He was kind enough to remind me of how great the weed is in Denver. A joint really had me high for several hours. He shared his story with me and had apparently been in some trouble and lost his license for 5 YEARS! That's a long time! He said he had trouble finding work because of transportation issues... he was only 23. That is a big chunk at of life at 23. Everyone I met was pretty nice from Denver. Only thing is they all seemed sad. Maybe it's the fact that they are used to so much snow and on this day it was 97 degrees. Not sure... but everyone seemed sad that I met. Curious! Onto Aspen!