WOW! Spectacular ride across Independence Pass. The continental divide. Absolutely Amazing. I said WOW so many times... I was hoarse. I also kept looking around and nearly killed myself around some of the bends. It was the most amazing ride I ever had on a bike. Truly awe inspiring. Then to Aspen. What a beautiful little town. I stayed at a hostel and roomed with an aspiring pianist. He was cool... although I think I freaked him out when I came in drunk high on Tequila and talked like I was on blow. Tequila does that to me. It's like speed. But he was very genuine... and I'm always impressed with some one follow their muse. I was really amazed at the fact there is no music scene in Aspen. I ended up going to the only place with live music in Aspen. I saw Thievery Corporation in a 300 or so seat club. It was a great show. I got a fist shake from the guitar player for my enthusiasm for his playing. He was really awesome... I screamed "Make me hear colors" and he did. That's when he gave the fist of approval. After that I journeyed around town until late. Played in a sprinkler and had a shot of Patron from a closed bar. The next day I left town. On the way out of town I noticed the little airport was absolutely full of private jets. Like 40 or so. Too many to count as I drove by. I was thinking wow no music scene. All these influential people... WTF? Good place to be "discovered" by some famous person... I think. Anyhow onto Salt Lake City.