This was my third customer landing.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Week of Pilot Exam
What a week. So this is how it went. Life in Costa Rica trying to become a pilot in a Spanish speaking country.
Day 1(Wednesday)- Gesine and I rode the motorcycle to Samara at 4:30 in the morning to catch a bus to San Jose. This morning we loaded up our book bags with 2 changes of clothes, the computer and some spending money. We road through a crocodile infested river about 2 feet deep to arrive in Samara where we locked up the bike and hopped on the bus. 5 hours later we arrived in wonderful San Jose. Then straight to the Aviacione Civil where we met up with Guido and Jorge to review the tests we had failed 30 days earlier. Guido said, "Stupid mistakes, Loveless." Uh excuse me? Try taking an extremely technical test in a language you don't speak. And I got a 76 to boot! Damn man. I wasn't raised in Europe where every knows multiple languages. 76 was pretty good in my opinion... but i needed an 80 to pass. So I guess I did fail.
Day 2 -we were invited to stay with Jorge(German) and Janet(Tica) in a very nice, modest home. Janet was great, she went through the entire study guide with us in Spanish. Then Jorge and I took a practice test. This blew my confidence. We had to take the test tomorrow? I was not ready. I opted to post pone my exam until Monday. Jorge with all the confidence in the world stayed on course with the appointment on Friday. We accompanied Jorge to the test. After 2 hours of waiting like he was having a baby. He emerged from the exam room with a defeated look on his face. What did you get? "A 76.", he replied. Janet consoled him like a good girl friend should. He was frustrated and defeated. Now he will have to wait an additional 30 days to re-take the exam. Damn that means money lost during tourist season. I was glad I waited.
That night Gesine and I checked into a nice hotel room about 45 minutes outside of San Jose. It was not nice for US standards but had hot water, cable TV and WiFi. WOW! Luxury by Tico standards!
Day 3- We woke up around 9am and started really cracking the books. In between breaks we watched CNN, HBO, and Cinemax. It was grueling but tolerable... do to cable TV in between study breaks. We took about 9 showers over the next 3 days. Basking in the glory of hot water we stood together in the shower for what seemed like eternity. I think we used the entire hotel's quota of hot water each day. On this night it was quite humorous... after a torturous day fo studying we called it quits around midnight. We hit the lights and started to doze. Then we hear high heels clunking down the hall. The door next store opens loudly. "What are the walls made of? Paper? Papaer would be quieter. And then it begins... the sounds of to Latin lovers making love. Louder and louder were the moans. Damn that dude can keep going like the energizer bunny. Made me feel inadequate for the love making I did earlier that evening. Finally around 1:30am it stopped. Thank God! Maybe now I can get some sleep. WRONG! They chatted loudly for about 45 minutes. I pounded on the wall. "NO MAS! NO MAS!" "GO TO BED!" Then silence. Apparently, when some one starts going at it... kissing doesn't make a sound! And then the moans. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Damn, way to make me look bad dude. But really "I am fucking tired and need some sleep. Once again this last about 45 minutes. After we hear the climax.... then we hear the door slam and the shoes walk away. A hooker maybe? An extra marital affair? What ever it was they were happy because it wasn't what the were obviously supposed to be doing. Probably lonely souls some where wondering where they were and why the were so late. Hmmm... I've been on the other end of that, unfortunately.
Day 4- We sleep late due to the sex in the other room. We walk throught the town of San Ramone hand in hand. We find a lovely Cafe across from the Church where we enjoyed spectacular coffe, ice cream and cake. We watched as the Catholics exited mass. On the way back we bought me a Brasil Futbol Jersey because my 2 days of clothes had expired. More studying, more studying! Around midnight we hear the foot steps again. "Are you fucking kidding me? My test is tomorrow morning." I start exclaming loudly, "Fucking assholes better not keep me up again. " Well, they didn't... it was just some tired travelers. I was sure though it was the same pair of shoes. Thankfully I was wrong. There are many Hoochie Mommas here... I should know that from walking the streets around town.
Day 5 - Wake up early. One last hot shower. And off to the bus to San Jose. We get off at the stop near the Aviacione Civil. I pay my fee and enter the exam. Note: I speak "maybe" 50 sentences in Spanish. Very poorly. Gesine waits in the lobby. I start breezing through the questions. Do I really know this? How can I not speak but breeze through the exam like a mad genius. I triple check my answers. Okay I think I am good... but... but. am I? I hit the Finalizar button! 92%! Wow are you kidding me? Fuckin Eh! The proctor pats me on the back. "Bueno, bueno.", he says. I exit the exam room into the lobby. Gesine has a look on her face like... IS IT A BOY OR A GIRL! I give her a beaming smile and she leaps from her chair grabs me aound the neck and starts kissing me... all while jumping up and down with a youthful passion. All the guys behind the counter congratulate me in broken English. They can feel her excitement and happiness... it was infectous. These guys have seen me several times defeated and broken about the exam. Probably thinking "stupid fucking Gringo!" But this day they could sense this was an important moment for me. They were genuinely happy and pleased with my "Most Excellent Score".
Okay I am strutting with satisfaction. "Gesine I just need food and a cigarette, but let's see when the bus heads home first. We go to the bus stop to check the schedule. What do you know... the bus we need is there so we jump on it for a 5 hour ride home. No victory smoke. No food. FUCK! 2 and a half hours later I get my smoke and a soggy "chicken" sandwich. And I was grateful. We arrive in Nicoya. Onto the next bus ride. We sit there for a few minutes. Both of us grumpy. I see a bus headed for what I think is HOME. It is not. But it is heading toward our destination. One stop is about 4km from home. So we take it instead of waiting an additional hour for the right bus. So we get in the bus. It's like an elementary school bus bus. And we're off road. Gesine had to pee before we got on it. Now the bus is bouncing and she is in pain. She looks pissed. Finally we get to a stop we know. She says "Lemme go pee and I'll be ok." As soon as we get off we see a pick up truck headed in our direction. Thumbs out we catch it. Because just like us... the driver knows he's our only chance. We eagerly jump in the back for the bumpy ride home. He stops once to say "Hola" to his peeps or familia. God knows. Gesine is crying because urine has moved p to her brain. Then we depart. Almost home. The techno blaring truck abrutly stops. WTF? Oh the driver has to pee. Gesine looks at me like she is gonna pee in face if this truck doesn't move. Finally he comes back. Truck blaring the techno version of "Destination Unknown"
That's about how we felt. Finally he drops us off at the "Coyote Bar" our local watering hole. We pee and have a victory beer.
Ahhhh. what a day. Now let's hike home. And I say hike... because it is! About a mile straight up. We get to the top and no more buzz. Only sleep. Both grumpy. Both beat. So that's how my exam went. How was your week? I am gonne guess a lil easier. But who knows... maybe you were in India or Africa this week.
But it was truly "Pura Vida" and that's how everyday pretty much is around here.
Day 1(Wednesday)- Gesine and I rode the motorcycle to Samara at 4:30 in the morning to catch a bus to San Jose. This morning we loaded up our book bags with 2 changes of clothes, the computer and some spending money. We road through a crocodile infested river about 2 feet deep to arrive in Samara where we locked up the bike and hopped on the bus. 5 hours later we arrived in wonderful San Jose. Then straight to the Aviacione Civil where we met up with Guido and Jorge to review the tests we had failed 30 days earlier. Guido said, "Stupid mistakes, Loveless." Uh excuse me? Try taking an extremely technical test in a language you don't speak. And I got a 76 to boot! Damn man. I wasn't raised in Europe where every knows multiple languages. 76 was pretty good in my opinion... but i needed an 80 to pass. So I guess I did fail.
Day 2 -we were invited to stay with Jorge(German) and Janet(Tica) in a very nice, modest home. Janet was great, she went through the entire study guide with us in Spanish. Then Jorge and I took a practice test. This blew my confidence. We had to take the test tomorrow? I was not ready. I opted to post pone my exam until Monday. Jorge with all the confidence in the world stayed on course with the appointment on Friday. We accompanied Jorge to the test. After 2 hours of waiting like he was having a baby. He emerged from the exam room with a defeated look on his face. What did you get? "A 76.", he replied. Janet consoled him like a good girl friend should. He was frustrated and defeated. Now he will have to wait an additional 30 days to re-take the exam. Damn that means money lost during tourist season. I was glad I waited.
That night Gesine and I checked into a nice hotel room about 45 minutes outside of San Jose. It was not nice for US standards but had hot water, cable TV and WiFi. WOW! Luxury by Tico standards!
Day 3- We woke up around 9am and started really cracking the books. In between breaks we watched CNN, HBO, and Cinemax. It was grueling but tolerable... do to cable TV in between study breaks. We took about 9 showers over the next 3 days. Basking in the glory of hot water we stood together in the shower for what seemed like eternity. I think we used the entire hotel's quota of hot water each day. On this night it was quite humorous... after a torturous day fo studying we called it quits around midnight. We hit the lights and started to doze. Then we hear high heels clunking down the hall. The door next store opens loudly. "What are the walls made of? Paper? Papaer would be quieter. And then it begins... the sounds of to Latin lovers making love. Louder and louder were the moans. Damn that dude can keep going like the energizer bunny. Made me feel inadequate for the love making I did earlier that evening. Finally around 1:30am it stopped. Thank God! Maybe now I can get some sleep. WRONG! They chatted loudly for about 45 minutes. I pounded on the wall. "NO MAS! NO MAS!" "GO TO BED!" Then silence. Apparently, when some one starts going at it... kissing doesn't make a sound! And then the moans. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Damn, way to make me look bad dude. But really "I am fucking tired and need some sleep. Once again this last about 45 minutes. After we hear the climax.... then we hear the door slam and the shoes walk away. A hooker maybe? An extra marital affair? What ever it was they were happy because it wasn't what the were obviously supposed to be doing. Probably lonely souls some where wondering where they were and why the were so late. Hmmm... I've been on the other end of that, unfortunately.
Day 4- We sleep late due to the sex in the other room. We walk throught the town of San Ramone hand in hand. We find a lovely Cafe across from the Church where we enjoyed spectacular coffe, ice cream and cake. We watched as the Catholics exited mass. On the way back we bought me a Brasil Futbol Jersey because my 2 days of clothes had expired. More studying, more studying! Around midnight we hear the foot steps again. "Are you fucking kidding me? My test is tomorrow morning." I start exclaming loudly, "Fucking assholes better not keep me up again. " Well, they didn't... it was just some tired travelers. I was sure though it was the same pair of shoes. Thankfully I was wrong. There are many Hoochie Mommas here... I should know that from walking the streets around town.
Day 5 - Wake up early. One last hot shower. And off to the bus to San Jose. We get off at the stop near the Aviacione Civil. I pay my fee and enter the exam. Note: I speak "maybe" 50 sentences in Spanish. Very poorly. Gesine waits in the lobby. I start breezing through the questions. Do I really know this? How can I not speak but breeze through the exam like a mad genius. I triple check my answers. Okay I think I am good... but... but. am I? I hit the Finalizar button! 92%! Wow are you kidding me? Fuckin Eh! The proctor pats me on the back. "Bueno, bueno.", he says. I exit the exam room into the lobby. Gesine has a look on her face like... IS IT A BOY OR A GIRL! I give her a beaming smile and she leaps from her chair grabs me aound the neck and starts kissing me... all while jumping up and down with a youthful passion. All the guys behind the counter congratulate me in broken English. They can feel her excitement and happiness... it was infectous. These guys have seen me several times defeated and broken about the exam. Probably thinking "stupid fucking Gringo!" But this day they could sense this was an important moment for me. They were genuinely happy and pleased with my "Most Excellent Score".
Okay I am strutting with satisfaction. "Gesine I just need food and a cigarette, but let's see when the bus heads home first. We go to the bus stop to check the schedule. What do you know... the bus we need is there so we jump on it for a 5 hour ride home. No victory smoke. No food. FUCK! 2 and a half hours later I get my smoke and a soggy "chicken" sandwich. And I was grateful. We arrive in Nicoya. Onto the next bus ride. We sit there for a few minutes. Both of us grumpy. I see a bus headed for what I think is HOME. It is not. But it is heading toward our destination. One stop is about 4km from home. So we take it instead of waiting an additional hour for the right bus. So we get in the bus. It's like an elementary school bus bus. And we're off road. Gesine had to pee before we got on it. Now the bus is bouncing and she is in pain. She looks pissed. Finally we get to a stop we know. She says "Lemme go pee and I'll be ok." As soon as we get off we see a pick up truck headed in our direction. Thumbs out we catch it. Because just like us... the driver knows he's our only chance. We eagerly jump in the back for the bumpy ride home. He stops once to say "Hola" to his peeps or familia. God knows. Gesine is crying because urine has moved p to her brain. Then we depart. Almost home. The techno blaring truck abrutly stops. WTF? Oh the driver has to pee. Gesine looks at me like she is gonna pee in face if this truck doesn't move. Finally he comes back. Truck blaring the techno version of "Destination Unknown"
That's about how we felt. Finally he drops us off at the "Coyote Bar" our local watering hole. We pee and have a victory beer.
Ahhhh. what a day. Now let's hike home. And I say hike... because it is! About a mile straight up. We get to the top and no more buzz. Only sleep. Both grumpy. Both beat. So that's how my exam went. How was your week? I am gonne guess a lil easier. But who knows... maybe you were in India or Africa this week.
But it was truly "Pura Vida" and that's how everyday pretty much is around here.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Playa Buena Vista Photo Gallery #1
So folks this is where I live, love, breathe, eat and sometimes sleep when I've had too much to drink.
Gerardo the artist painting the Pirate is no longer with us. He died this past year in a fatal car accident. Take a moment to notice he was really alive in this photo and doing something he loved. And according to sources his one true love was surfing.
Pura Vida!

Gerardo the artist painting the Pirate is no longer with us. He died this past year in a fatal car accident. Take a moment to notice he was really alive in this photo and doing something he loved. And according to sources his one true love was surfing.
Pura Vida!

Friday, November 28, 2008
Another Day in Paradise... or is it? LOL
Life here sometimes seems so relaxing and enjoyable. But we've all got to work. With out having something to do it is easy to come down here and burn yourself away in a pile of drunken nothingness. The important thing is to be around people you care about and who care about you. Next is FIND SOMETHING TO DO.
I had a delay on my pilots license. Luckily I rented the Wunderbar so Gesine had a source of income. It is our only source of income at the moment and I am thankful for that. We've done some painting ourselves, had some local Ticos build us 12 chairs, 6 tables and 6 stools. We bought all new glasses and stocked the bar. It hasn't all been easy.
When someone expects to be doing there own thing it can cause tension in a new relationship. Now all of a sudden there is an identity struggle. Me with no airtime, her now with a boss. Not exactly what either of us signed up for. But even with the bumps I still have to say I love it here and still love Gesine.
Hardly ever do I or my friends know what day it is. Everyday is Saturday for all I know. There are no more cars, no more traffic, no more grey skies, no more McDonald's, no more hot water, no more oven, no more microwave, no more TV, but somehow it is better than any place I've lived or traveled for what it is I was looking for.
It's being a part of a community of travelers and explores that have all decided this was home. The way I have. It's a simpler way of life. A life where Gyms really aren't necessary... don't worry exercise will come to you. Whether it be helping the fellow villagers move a fallen tree from a road, pushing a flooded car out of a river, or even swimming across a swiftly moving river infested with Crocodiles to buy your weed.
The nature here is enormous... everything from the Ocean to the sky down to birds and the bees seem to be more or bigger than I ever knew before. I saw a cockroach the size of a bar of hand soap. Wow! Are you kidding me! That's cool. Some days I lay in the hammock, smoke a joint and watch ants move these massive insects to God knows where. Every morning in our house the ants come in by the thousands cleaning up all the insects that died in the night. It usually takes about half an our and the ants are gone. To some of you this might seem terrifying but the ants done attack you they just go around or over your feet if need be. No problem. Pura Vida.
I have found my place for the moment and I am thankful "I took the Road less traveled"
It was nice to write again. Hope you enjoy.
I had a delay on my pilots license. Luckily I rented the Wunderbar so Gesine had a source of income. It is our only source of income at the moment and I am thankful for that. We've done some painting ourselves, had some local Ticos build us 12 chairs, 6 tables and 6 stools. We bought all new glasses and stocked the bar. It hasn't all been easy.
When someone expects to be doing there own thing it can cause tension in a new relationship. Now all of a sudden there is an identity struggle. Me with no airtime, her now with a boss. Not exactly what either of us signed up for. But even with the bumps I still have to say I love it here and still love Gesine.
Hardly ever do I or my friends know what day it is. Everyday is Saturday for all I know. There are no more cars, no more traffic, no more grey skies, no more McDonald's, no more hot water, no more oven, no more microwave, no more TV, but somehow it is better than any place I've lived or traveled for what it is I was looking for.
It's being a part of a community of travelers and explores that have all decided this was home. The way I have. It's a simpler way of life. A life where Gyms really aren't necessary... don't worry exercise will come to you. Whether it be helping the fellow villagers move a fallen tree from a road, pushing a flooded car out of a river, or even swimming across a swiftly moving river infested with Crocodiles to buy your weed.
The nature here is enormous... everything from the Ocean to the sky down to birds and the bees seem to be more or bigger than I ever knew before. I saw a cockroach the size of a bar of hand soap. Wow! Are you kidding me! That's cool. Some days I lay in the hammock, smoke a joint and watch ants move these massive insects to God knows where. Every morning in our house the ants come in by the thousands cleaning up all the insects that died in the night. It usually takes about half an our and the ants are gone. To some of you this might seem terrifying but the ants done attack you they just go around or over your feet if need be. No problem. Pura Vida.
I have found my place for the moment and I am thankful "I took the Road less traveled"
It was nice to write again. Hope you enjoy.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
George at Conrad's Pizza Place, El Castilo.
How things just happen with creative people at the castle.
Don Klaus at the Wunderbar, El Castillo
Don Klaus at the Wunderbar enjoying a fine afternoon, El Castillo, Playa Buena Vista, Guanacaste Costa Rica.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Don Klaus (the Musician) from the El Castillo
Don Klaus graced us with a song one night at the Wunderbar. Here is the result.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Bike and Beaches... a day in Cost Rica, Guanacaste
A day in the life of Costa Rica living. Pura Vida. Gesine and I rode our bikes from one beach to the next. It was a wonderful day of exploring the beauty of Costa Rican beaches. Enjoy.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Chris and Gesine's new house (updated video)
My last video didn't fully upload. So here is a little preview of where we live. Come visit the land of Pura Vida.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Gesine and Chris's new house.
Comes with a view of the Ocean and total privacy. Enjoy. 500 dollars a month. Not bad.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Back in Costa Rica.
Ahh it is good to be home. Now if I can just find a place to live. I filmed some great video yesterday and hope to post it later. Hope all of you are well.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Welcome to New Orleans... pretty German girl.

So I brought Gesine to the French Quarter. We took a carriage ride, ate beignets, sampled Gumbo, Crawfish Etouffe, Red Beans and Rice, and Jambalaya. It was a beautiful day of many smiles and relaxation. At one point the waitress commented "Fresh love! It's so beautiful." Is it that obvious? It must be because we can't seem to stop smiling.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I have woman! I am officially off the market!
Gesine has arrived. I am so happy. She ran into my arms when she saw me. Damn she smells good.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
AnnaMae makes me happy!
My friends Matt and Karin's daughter makes me feel so happy. I miss my friends.. but I also terribly miss being a part of their daughter's life. I am so happy for digital video. I give thanks that Matt and Karin document so much for us all to see. Any time I feel down I watch AnnMae discover the world with fresh eyes. Reminds me that the world isn't harsh... it's beautiful. Us adults screw it up. The joy of a human discovering how paper crumples is such a beautiful thing. I can live so far away and still watch her grow... damn that makes me happy to be on this planet today. So don't you think she is a doll. Just look at her smile... damn she is adorable. Nice pig tales too might I add! Although we might have to curb that shoe habit... like mother like daughter. OH WELL!
Cross Country flight from Alexandria, LA to New Orleans, LA

So yesterady I flew from my dad's house to my mother's house. Almost 200 miles. It was my most challenging flight to date. I left Alexandria at 7 am and flew for 4.9 hours with 4 stops at various airports.

I landed in New Orleans around 2pm. At one point I realized my fuel consumption was higher than expected so I put her down on a farm to refuel.

Around noon the air got hot. When the air gets hot thermals create quite a lot of turbulence. To add to my challenges I encounter quite a bit of prop wash while flying under Class B airspace in Baton Rouge. Class B airspce is reserved for Commercial aircraft. Nothing like getting whipped around from turbulence created by a commercial jet. It's kind of like flying a kite in a hurricane. Curious how comfortable I am becoming as a pilot. I never got scared... but hooted and hollered a lot like a Cowboy on a bucking bull. Lots of woohoos to say the least. My arms became increasingly tired fighting the controls to stay on track. Quite the work out. Like being in the Gym for several hours. Getting close to New Orleans I flew over the mighty Mississippi river.

As a kid I was alwasy scared of the river because if you fall in chances are you will meet your maker. So it was quite cool to be flying over it in a kite with a lawn mover motor. I buzzed huge tankers coasting down the river. I flew over giant bridges that seem mammoth from the ground.

Finally on arrival to my destination I was tired. The airport came into view. Crap! the runway looks similar to the tiny tree lined runway at the Flying Crocodile hotel. This was gonna be a challenging landing from rotors swirling off the trees and I was worn out. So I turned final.. I could see my mom at the end of the runway. Was she gonna see my drop this trike in a sloppy set down? Surprisingly my skills are getting quite good. I set her down gently despite rising and dropping in the wind. Ahhhh I made it. It was a good accomplishment for my ego. I think my smile says it all. That is not the peace sign I am flashing... it is "V" for VICTORY! And you can see I am quite tired.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Flying with my dad
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Ahhhhhh... 1600 dollars is well worth every penny! Steve Jobs Rules! I love my new MAC!
Anything I want... Porn, News, Religion, Money, Knowledge, Music, Cults, Hate, Love, Science, Mysticism, Drugs, Anti (everything)... It is all at my finger tips! I feel power in every stroke of my keyboard! Thank you Steve! I will say "HELLO" as our BACKSTAGE PASSES get us through the "PEARLY GATES"! You have given me freedom! (Make love to the devil.... even so... I will always LOVE you ""STEVE""!) YOU ARE THE MAN! I love this fucking computer! I will post my favorite Metallica song as a tribute! Damn you kick ass... I hope one day we might "DROP LSD" at the same time!
I crashed my BMW full speed "on purpose"after drinking a bottle of PATRON to this song. "what was I supposed to do?" "Drive SLOW?"
I crashed my BMW full speed "on purpose"after drinking a bottle of PATRON to this song. "what was I supposed to do?" "Drive SLOW?"
Friday, September 19, 2008
Motorcycle Madness

So what is freedom? Freedom comes in many forms. As of this post I have found my freedom comes with only 2 wheels. I recently purchased a new Honda Falcon NX400 Enduro Motorcycle. I have also purchased half stock in a Yamaha 225 Enduro for my chica to ride. Well in rainy season there is not much to do... unless you have a moto that is. Conrad and I went on a 3 hour ride yesterday that was truly mind blowing. We have video, but no fire wire cable, so I hope to post that as well in time. Costa Rica is just one giant motorcross track. In one day we rode dirt roads, into a beach town, through the river, on a paved curvy mountian road, up to a mountian dirt road, Finally ending at another pristine Costa Rican beach. There is something exhillerating about moving at 100km/hr over gravel up a hill with no thought of slowing down. These bikes just tear through the terrain like Speeder bikes from Star Wars. Your mind starts clicking through the moment so quickly there is not a second to think. You truly become one with the machine... picking lines through puddles and around rocks at a mind blowing pace. And after 3 hours you step off of these magical machines and cant help but holler out loud. "Fuck that was fun!" So in close, for this short excerpt if you´ve ever wanted to experience zen... while engaged in some kind of X games experiance.... ride an Enduro through the roads of Costa Rica. A man made track would never amount to the fun and variety that exists here.
"We have a problem" - Another post from Conrad (
Starting this blog in rainy season means many stories will be about nature, the Castle, or our local population since tourists are not so common. When is rainy season? It´s not as simple as the guidebooks explain and depends where you are. Here dry season starts about the middle of November and the sunshine stays through April. May brings the first rains and can be heavy, but mid-June through August are known locally as small summer and although it rains at night, the days are still sunny. September and October tend to be the heaviest months for rain so I was a bit surprised when Klaus called me from Germany and said a couple comes to stay despite his warning of heavy rain and all the fun that goes with it. They arrived yesterday and this morning I drove them to Samara to get a new hotel. From the moment I saw them standing on the road I knew we had a problem. After 24 hours of travel from Germany to Costa Rica it´s tough for anyone to smile, but the shock factor was worse and they hadn´t even seen the car yet. The castle "Chariot" is a Dodge raider held together with parts from other cars and lots of luck - it´s very Tico. After loading their fancy new backpacks I turn the key and hear the familiar click when the starter doesn´t feel like working. I grab the trusty screwdriver, pop the hood and proceed to hot wire the problem. The raider sparks to life and the big my smile on my face doesn´t compare to the frown on theirs. People surprise me all the time so maybe things will get better. At this time of year you have to take the "long way" since the river is too high to pass. After 13 miles of bumpy dirt roads, the smell of gear oil and no conversation we arrive at the Castle. Chris runs the Wunderbar this month and has two cold beers waiting for our new guests. I sense the relief of finally arriving when the man says "everything will be all right as long as we have a clean, pretty room." Expectation and perception shape our experiences and give us all the ability to suffer or smile. Honesty without hesitation works for me in these moments so I pick up the bags and say "let´s go look at your new room." Now it´s my turn to gauge their honesty. Ten minutes later he walks from the room, sits at the table, takes a deep breath and says "we have a problem." "You don´t have to be very perceptive to see that" I say. In an instant the dam of awkwardness blows up and real conversation flows. They admit they need more luxury and although they want something off the beaten path, being trapped by muddy roads and rivers without a car is a bit much. They know they were warned about the conditions, but were very excited about such a peaceful retreat away from stress. We tell our stories and realize we have similar backgrounds and now the man opens up telling us more about the catalysts in his life that reawaken the question of satisfaction and happiness. This conversation is always welcome and it becomes obvious they´re not arrogant complainers, but a loving couple exploring their lives. I see the unique effect this place has on people whenever the environment strips away formality and leaves honesty. As I said earlier, people surprise me. I´m sure this couple will always remember their first night in Costa Rica at El Castillo. I know I will.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A post from my friend Conrad... I lost the Kayak!
Some days in rainy season bring out bad judgement. Being wet and bored can make one yearn for a little adreneline. It´s been raining steady now for about a week and a half, but what started last night and continuied all morning was heavy. Young volunteers interested in saving the turtle population make their camp down the beach and live simply with no electricity and water they must turn on every day to fill their tanks. Normally they cross the estuary and walk through the castle like clockwork. And sometimes when the estuary is too high we use the sit on top kayaks to run a taxi shuttle. That brings me to this morning when two volunteers asked for a ride and I didn´t open my eyes or my brain wide enough to appreciate the conditions. It was between low and high tide, but the volume of water from rain was creating a very strong current running out to sea in the estuary. I ferried the kayak across and reached the other side down by the beach because the other end of the estuary was just a carved wall of sand and rushing water. At this point I should have appreciated the strong current and said nope it´s not going to work to get back across, but what the hell. There were two guys, but only one goes with me to attempt the crossing - the current is very strong and just getting in the kayak proves difficult. We finally get a good launch and we´re headed across toward the beach parking lot when a set of waves comes in and collides with the water going out - if you push two ends of a piece of paper together you´ll see the bubble the kayak was in. Kayak flips - we get it back over and get back in, but now we´re caught in the outward surge. A wave comes in and I see a chance to ride it back in the estuary - it´s good at first, but more waves hit from the side and the kayak is over again - this time we´re further out and it´s time to swim and get to safety - I tell my passenger to forget about the kayak and swim across the current until we´re clear and then back to the beach. I don´t his name, but I give him loads of credit for getting through panic attack and swimming back safely. He told me later that he developed a recent phobia of deep water being exposed to glacial lakes. This explained why he was screaming "I can´t breath, I´m freaking out, I´m not going to make it" - but as I said he calmed himself down and everything ended safely. Oh did I forget the title or this post?? No, but first I had to get myself back to the castle side of the estuary where this all began. That was quite a swim and reminded me that I´m no longer a raft guide! Back on the other side is when I realize there´s no kayak. These kayaks are very difficult to sink and yet I don´t see it anywhere. Under normal conditions the kayaks always return to the bay or the rocks of the reef. Since the tide was low I climbed around the reef still not believing the kayak could be gone. And after turning on the turtle campers water ( yes I could have just turned their water on and all this would not have happened but hindsight blah blah..) I walked again and then up to the view from Alegria - nothing. As I write this post I´m happy poor judgement didn´t cause injury or death, but I´m very much hoping to work on my next post - I found the kayak!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Flying Ultralights in Costa Rica
Here is some nice amateur footage of the hotel and ultralight flying over Samara. Notice 2 things... first off that guy is in my fucking hammock... second check out the runway I have to land on... believe me those trees are a fucking bitch.
My commute... stock footage
So in absence of a video camera... I want to show you all what it is like to commute on a motorcycle in Costa Rica. This is pretty accurate. I ride similar trails and roads to this everyday. It´s a fucking blast. Oh funny thing... always wear a helmet. Today on my ride to the internet Cafe. A coconut fell out of a tree and smacked the crap out of my helmet. I am sure that with no helmet I probably would have been knocked unconscious or possibly killed. I had to stop for 15 minutes to let the ringing in my head dissipate. So enjoy this video of what my commute is like. I´ll post real footage once I update my stolen electronics.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
The Castaways need Care Packages. See my wish list below.
So things are hard to come by down here. Not to mention all of my electronics save one iPod was ripped right out of my hands as I loaded my backpack onto a bus in San Jose. It's hard traveling solo. So I am flying and probably will be running a bar for the dry season. I'm still pondering buying a hotel but have lots of financial stuff to work out first. In the mean time here are things me and my friends need. If any of you can find it in your hearts or wallets to donate any of the items below to the cast aways down here it would be greatly appreciated. Oh and anyone donating art supplies will defintely get a piece of art from me of something Costa Rican in exchange.
Send any and all donations to the Castaways at>
c/o Chris Loveless
Correo Playa Samara
Codico 5235, Apdo. 99
Guanacaste, Costa Rica
And onto the list>
Art supplies> Acrylics, canvas, pens pencils, paper, etc
Candy>Mike n Ikes,Licorice,Gummy Stuff, Red Vines, Skittles, MnM's, etc.
Digital Camera... still or video... if you are upgrading please send your old one.
Coffe Maker
Old Computers, Laptops, towers, Monitors etc. Computers are fucking expensive down here and we are in desperate need of one. Upgrading a MAC iBook... send it to me PLEASE
Wireless Routers
American Condoms
Rolling Tobacco
Any and all Pizza making supplies... especially Pizza Piels
Any and all silverware
Power Strip... these are very very needed
Dart Boards
Frisbees... these are impossible to find and we only have one imported from Germany
Board Games
Volleyball and net
Sleeping bags
Lexicon Mixer... for mixing music
Any old guitars... acoustic preferred
Snack foods... dried fruits, trailmixes etc.
Women... Mars needs women... LOL
Old Clothes
Flip Flops
Old tools power tools, screw drivers, hammers etc.
Pens and Paper... notebooks, journal etc.
Drugs, Advil is more expensive than cocaine here.
First aids
Bug Repellent
Diving masks and snorkels
Candles... mucho candles
Razors... triple blade razors cost about as much as a car down here... LOL.
Bar Soap
Body Wash
Screens for smoking weed out of a bong or pipe
small weed pipes
Dishes... any and all
Alarm Clocks and small radios... battery powered preferred
Batteries. AA and AAA preferred
Q- Tips... oh my god a good fucking Q-Tip would be sweet
Motorcycles, Airplanes, Bicycles, and Cars. LOL
Surf Wax
Booze, whiskey, tequilla wine... any and all... even small bottles.
And there you have it. Thanks if any of you take the time to send us stuff. Thanks!
Send any and all donations to the Castaways at>
c/o Chris Loveless
Correo Playa Samara
Codico 5235, Apdo. 99
Guanacaste, Costa Rica
And onto the list>
Art supplies> Acrylics, canvas, pens pencils, paper, etc
Candy>Mike n Ikes,Licorice,Gummy Stuff, Red Vines, Skittles, MnM's, etc.
Digital Camera... still or video... if you are upgrading please send your old one.
Coffe Maker
Old Computers, Laptops, towers, Monitors etc. Computers are fucking expensive down here and we are in desperate need of one. Upgrading a MAC iBook... send it to me PLEASE
Wireless Routers
American Condoms
Rolling Tobacco
Any and all Pizza making supplies... especially Pizza Piels
Any and all silverware
Power Strip... these are very very needed
Dart Boards
Frisbees... these are impossible to find and we only have one imported from Germany
Board Games
Volleyball and net
Sleeping bags
Lexicon Mixer... for mixing music
Any old guitars... acoustic preferred
Snack foods... dried fruits, trailmixes etc.
Women... Mars needs women... LOL
Old Clothes
Flip Flops
Old tools power tools, screw drivers, hammers etc.
Pens and Paper... notebooks, journal etc.
Drugs, Advil is more expensive than cocaine here.
First aids
Bug Repellent
Diving masks and snorkels
Candles... mucho candles
Razors... triple blade razors cost about as much as a car down here... LOL.
Bar Soap
Body Wash
Screens for smoking weed out of a bong or pipe
small weed pipes
Dishes... any and all
Alarm Clocks and small radios... battery powered preferred
Batteries. AA and AAA preferred
Q- Tips... oh my god a good fucking Q-Tip would be sweet
Motorcycles, Airplanes, Bicycles, and Cars. LOL
Surf Wax
Booze, whiskey, tequilla wine... any and all... even small bottles.
And there you have it. Thanks if any of you take the time to send us stuff. Thanks!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
This is where I live. El Castillo.
Here is the castle and DonKlaus the owner. He´s a little crazy like me. I live on the bottom floor.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Guanacasta Costa Rica update.
So let me update you on what I'm up to. I bought a motorcycle, got a Costa Rican driver's license, soloed again on a trike, surf some days... but mostly I go exploring on my motorcycle. I've been up and down the Nicoya peninsula. The roads are shit. 2 nights ago I camped on the beach in a tent during the worst thunderstorm I've ever experienced. It was quite fantastic. Although I was a little nervous about the little metal poles all around me.
I have met many wonderful people. All travels like myself. Each one of them turning their life into a magnificent adventure. And adventure with little or no money... but alwasy a smile. There is something special about a traveler. I know not everyone is but if you are get out there and see the world. There is time. But it will run out quicker than you know it.
Follow yours dreams. Oh and when in Costa Rica PUT YOUR PASSPORT IN A ZIP LOCK BAG! My is pretty fucked up from a river crossing chest high. I forgot it was in my pockets.
I have met many wonderful people. All travels like myself. Each one of them turning their life into a magnificent adventure. And adventure with little or no money... but alwasy a smile. There is something special about a traveler. I know not everyone is but if you are get out there and see the world. There is time. But it will run out quicker than you know it.
Follow yours dreams. Oh and when in Costa Rica PUT YOUR PASSPORT IN A ZIP LOCK BAG! My is pretty fucked up from a river crossing chest high. I forgot it was in my pockets.
Gesine Ehrt... I might be in love with this woman.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
And the living is easy!
Flying airplanes reading books and surfing. Damn life has it's ups that is for sure.
Friday, July 11, 2008
I am HOME. Living on the beach and flying airplanes! DAMN LIFE IS GOOD!
So I am at the flying crocodile hotel on the Pacific Coast in Costa Rica. I have been tentatively offered a job as a pilot. I start re-training today. I will be flying trikes and auto-gyros for tourists. Pay is 25 dollars a ride. Tax free. average is 8 to 10 rides a day. Weather is good here almost everyday. So you do the math! I'll make more here than at the software company as a manager. Plus he has several other opportunities for me for me to help with his real estate developement projects. Oh and did I mention he is German and has beautiful young German female interns here that rotate every six months to work the desk. Life is good. I will be shopping for a motorcycle this afternoon. He has cut me a deal to stay in my own bungalow for 2 weeks while I practice my flying.
Life is good. This was the right choice for me. Can't wait for visitors to fly around with me. PEACE. Follow your dreams!
Life is good. This was the right choice for me. Can't wait for visitors to fly around with me. PEACE. Follow your dreams!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I am in Nicoya on my way to the the beach.
I am in route to the trike school. Should be there within hours. The farther away from San Jose I get the nicer the people. I´m finally getting some peace from the vibe around me. I´ll write more later.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
One year ago today I went to JAIL!
Spent 3 days in the tank for fighting with Ed. My, my... things have certainly changed. an experience I will never forget... though I wish I could.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
The Fountains Guest House. -Escazu, Costa Rica
This is where I am staying in exchange for labor. "Vicki" the owner is one cool Chica.
Check it out:
The Fountains Guest House
Check it out:
The Fountains Guest House
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
AnnaMae Laun- Kung Fu Fighting! and first Birthday!
Doesn't this sweetheart make you want to have a baby too? I love the Laun family! You guys rock!
Check out Matt Laun's other videos on for mlaun)... another good one from the tulip festival linked below KungFu.
Check out Matt Laun's other videos on for mlaun)... another good one from the tulip festival linked below KungFu.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
American Idol Song... You Are The American Idols... Tards!
Uh yeah...
Ha Ha Ha...
That's what I talkin about
Ha Ha Ha...
Yeah Everything Comin out of My Mouth
Losin Myself in this Microphone
Uh Being a singer is somethin so unknown
But I Lose MySelf In It
I try to make my voice spin it
I lose myself in this Mic
And Everything is gonnaaaaa... Everything is gonna be alriiiiight
Yeah you know what I'm talking aboouuuut
It's not about being some kind of American Idol
It's all about uhhh being yourseeeeelf
Once you let go of the feeeear
Ain't nothin holding those fans hearts dear
You know what I'm talkin aboooouuuut (off key)
Wow that was really tough on my voice.
I didn't think I hit a single note
I'm sorry uh uh Mr. Jackson and uh Paula Abdul and uh and uh Simon There.
I'm just saying it's not about my voice
If your a true Artist
If your a true Musician
If your a true Rockstar
It's not about your voice
It's about who you fucking are
Get it through your head
It's all up inside of your head
And Get it through your head
It's all up inside of yourrrrrrrr head
Ha ha ha ha
All up inside of your head
All up inside of your head
Better give it to me str8
And there better not be no debate
All up inside of your head
Everything is inside of your head
So crazy... it makes you wanna go to bed.
All up inside of your head
Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaa
All up inside of your head
All up inside of your head
All up inside of your head
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Hostel in New Orleans... fuckin cool place... go there!
Why do I miss this place when I'm away? I have no idea but I am sitting in the French Quarter... having some drinks. I really miss this fucked up place when I am away. It's a place that is a gumbo of people. It is a place that is rich with culture... it is a place of magic and voodoo. It is a place that makes my soul feel home.
I just met the owner of the "Hostel". Nice guy. Played me some New Orleans music that made my soul feel good. He's a handsome man with an accent that is truly New Orleans. He is the true New Orleans soul.
The bartender is sweet and pretty she is also a local. I'm the only one here. why is this? It's a beautiful place. More pretty than most. Has a nice feel. It was nice sitting here. Thanks New Orleanians.
I'm a creep! I wish I was Special... so very special... but I'm a creep!
When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so fucking special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
I don't care if it hurts
I want to have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice when I'm not around
You're so fucking special
I wish I was special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell I'm doing here?
I don't belong here
She's running out again
She's running out
She runs runs runs
Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You're so fucking special
I wish I was special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
I don't belong here
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Uncle Tom's Cabin the movie I was in...

Funny I was looking at the Internet Movie Movie Database and apparently the movie I was in had: Samuel Jackson, Avery Brookes, Bruce Dern, Phalicia Rashad and many other leading hollywood actors. How knew? I sure didn't when I was in it. LOL!
Check out the list of a listers here. WOW. I'm 2 degrees seperation from every famous person in hollywood. LOL.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
And I am Chris Loveless number 1. Bitches. LOL. and my star power rose up 4% since last week according to IMDB.
Chris Loveless the actor
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Louisiana Lawn Care
Global warming due to fossil fuels I think not. Louisiana Lawn care is the problem.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The time is here, the time is now... just do it!
My dad has really been a huge inspiration. Helping figure out what I ned to do... and what I want to do. I want to fly MY plane in Costa Rica. Things are starting to come together. The time is now. Life is short. Take what you want with both hands and don't let go.
Two quotes from Bob Marley:
"My music will go on forever. Maybe it's a fool say that, but when me know facts me can say facts. My music will go on forever."
-Bob Marley
"Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live! "
-Bob Marley
Two quotes from Bob Marley:
"My music will go on forever. Maybe it's a fool say that, but when me know facts me can say facts. My music will go on forever."
-Bob Marley
"Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live! "
-Bob Marley
Trike Instructors are hard to find
You may have already seen this video... but this is what I'm currently dreaming about. Damn Weight Shift Flight Instructors are hard to find in Louisiana.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The G.A.O.A.T. Original Songs Free Downloads
Here is some shit TDoug and myself created while drunk in his studio. enjoy.
American Idol Song
Psycho Meds
The Weed Song
American Idol Song
Psycho Meds
The Weed Song
Monday, May 19, 2008
Riding a bicycle to Costa Rica? WTF?
I am seriously "at this point" planning to ride a bicycle from New Orleans to Costa Rica. Then start a business in Costa Rica. Stay tuned for details. It seems the only option at this point for an adventure of a lifetime. Good health. Get rid of my double chin and belly.
My BNLAW Tommy is an avid cyclist and has been helping me figure out how to do this. It actually seems possible at this point. And for those of you that have only seen me drink... I was once a pretty good fucking cyclist. PEACE OUT! It feels good to be happy. I feel like I'm starting to heal. Although it's only been a week or so. I'm not nearly as angry and depressed as I've been.
I actually did some blue collar work driving fork lifts, banging on shit and getting dirty. Damn it feels good to not be sitting in front of a fucking computer all day.
My BNLAW Tommy is an avid cyclist and has been helping me figure out how to do this. It actually seems possible at this point. And for those of you that have only seen me drink... I was once a pretty good fucking cyclist. PEACE OUT! It feels good to be happy. I feel like I'm starting to heal. Although it's only been a week or so. I'm not nearly as angry and depressed as I've been.
I actually did some blue collar work driving fork lifts, banging on shit and getting dirty. Damn it feels good to not be sitting in front of a fucking computer all day.
I fucked up my computer.... DAMN IT! I'm a drunk.
I'm spending time with family. My mood is much better. Happy actually. I'll post more video soon.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Arrrgh... have I made a mistake? Leave me alone!
I am not one to have people meddling in my shit without dire consequences. Don't get me wrong... I love my family. But getting involved in my life is not the way to protect or draw me closer. It's the way to alienate me. I live by my rules. And if I've gotten myself involved in some kind of "Let us help you!" "Back the Fuck off Mother Fuckers!... You don't know who I am!"
I made it this far without lies or cheating or anyone's support. SO FUCK OFF! Yes your name starts with "W"! Don't act like my hero! You aren't! You don't even know me! So don't act like you do!
I made it this far without lies or cheating or anyone's support. SO FUCK OFF! Yes your name starts with "W"! Don't act like my hero! You aren't! You don't even know me! So don't act like you do!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Goodbye Adria!
I really wish I had said goodbye to Adria. She is a bartender at the Mars Bar in Eastlake. I have been in love with her for sometime. She is the one who inspired me to backpack across Europe. She gave me my first taste of adventure and I wish she loved me the way I love her. That said I regret not saying goodbye to her. So my peeps... if any of you all are heading out on the town Thursday or Friday nights drop by the Mars Bar and tell her I wish I had said goodbye... and probably won't see her again. I send her my love and will always hold a place in my heart for her.
I wish her the best!
I wish her the best!
Bicycle to Costa Rica from New Orleans? Me crazy? Me think so!
So first off I want to get healthy. Second I want to go to Costa Rica. Third I want to make a positive impact on the world.
I'm really considering riding from New Orleans to Cost Rica on my bicycle. I have no idea how to do this since I've never done anything like it. But I know it is possible. Anything is possible.
So over the next couple of months I'm gonna try to figure out how to do this and raise money for charity in the process. I am looking for sponsors. How can I get sponsors? I have no idea... but I think it is important and want to figure out how to do this.
I've been thinking about what charity I would do this for.... hmmmm? What is a good charity? I am on the fence but I think raising money to help rebuild New Orleans would be a good start. Maybe I can grow it from there.
Anybody else out there want to come on this adventure? I also want to make a documentary of the journey. I would need a chase car, nice video camera, and a friend to come on this journey. My friend Ed expressed interest. I could really use some solid advice on how to raise money, find sponsors, and make this dream a reality.
Maybe this is just one of my rambles... but I think the idea is solid enough to attempt a try at it.
Open to suggestions. So send them my way!
I'm really considering riding from New Orleans to Cost Rica on my bicycle. I have no idea how to do this since I've never done anything like it. But I know it is possible. Anything is possible.
So over the next couple of months I'm gonna try to figure out how to do this and raise money for charity in the process. I am looking for sponsors. How can I get sponsors? I have no idea... but I think it is important and want to figure out how to do this.
I've been thinking about what charity I would do this for.... hmmmm? What is a good charity? I am on the fence but I think raising money to help rebuild New Orleans would be a good start. Maybe I can grow it from there.
Anybody else out there want to come on this adventure? I also want to make a documentary of the journey. I would need a chase car, nice video camera, and a friend to come on this journey. My friend Ed expressed interest. I could really use some solid advice on how to raise money, find sponsors, and make this dream a reality.
Maybe this is just one of my rambles... but I think the idea is solid enough to attempt a try at it.
Open to suggestions. So send them my way!
President Bush is a fucking Idiot.... worthy of a post here!
My best friend Stephanie sent me this link. I think it is worthy of a post since I have a 1000 dollar gas bill after driving across the U.S.
A clip where a reporter asks President Bush what advice he has for the American people when gas hits $4 per gallon.
Next thing you know cocaine will be 200 dollars a gram. What has the world come to? Jeeezzz!
A clip where a reporter asks President Bush what advice he has for the American people when gas hits $4 per gallon.
Next thing you know cocaine will be 200 dollars a gram. What has the world come to? Jeeezzz!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
SOBER. Day 1
So today is my start at sobriety. Last night was quite a blowout. Ed and I got into a bar fight. Lost a car. Went to the Hustler Club. Damn I hurt.
So today is my first day at healing myself from heart break and substance abuse. My soul is tired.
So today is my first day at healing myself from heart break and substance abuse. My soul is tired.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
No Job... No place to go... Ahhhh... Jobs are for suckers...LOL!
So today is my first day again on a new adventure. I cleaned out my apartment last night. It took me until 4:30am. The landlord was scared I wasn't going to return keys. LOL. What like flooding the building wasn't enough huh? Wow he really has very low expectations of me. Well, thanks Jason and sorry for all the trouble I caused. Kind of. Because it was indeed fun.
So I have a Uhaul truck with mostly just clothes. I will be putting my ultralight airplane inside the Uhaul and pulling my BMW Z3 behind it. I was going to do some site seeing. Now though I think I'm gonna drive str8 thru. Seems to make the most sense. Time to get sober and get my shit together. Did I mention I like women with Big Asses and little titties. Damn they are fine. And there is one bending over in front of me right now. Whoa I digress. I have found some dude in a band that needs a ride to New Orleans from Seattle I plan on meeting up with him later to see how his energy is. Make sure he ain't no Psycho. Like I'll really be able to tell. LOL.
So I have a Uhaul truck with mostly just clothes. I will be putting my ultralight airplane inside the Uhaul and pulling my BMW Z3 behind it. I was going to do some site seeing. Now though I think I'm gonna drive str8 thru. Seems to make the most sense. Time to get sober and get my shit together. Did I mention I like women with Big Asses and little titties. Damn they are fine. And there is one bending over in front of me right now. Whoa I digress. I have found some dude in a band that needs a ride to New Orleans from Seattle I plan on meeting up with him later to see how his energy is. Make sure he ain't no Psycho. Like I'll really be able to tell. LOL.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Fremont Troll Stroll

Oh shit! What a beautiful Seattle Spring Day. What a lot of fucking beer. So TDoug and myself head down to Fremont at noon. Damn the line was around the block. So we go get ourselves a beer at a local dive bar. Head back to the line... still around the corner. Apparently 1100 people on this stroll. Stephanie showed up and got shitty on her lemon drops. I blacked out around the end. Not before giving a homeless friend 100 bucks. LOL. I could have used that money for a hooker. Damn it!
Friday, April 25, 2008
2 Day Cocaine Binge (Better than a 3 day Binge)

Ouch! I hurt. So, anyhow a dear frined of mine gave me about 250 dollars worth of Blow. Which I was, in turn, supposed to give to friends to help him get rid of. I don't know how many of you have done Blow, but it turns me into a horny jackass incapable of getting a boner. Kind of a Catch 22. Frustrating to say the least. On with the story... my friend picks me up at Dad Watson's where I was having dinner with Kevin Rice. Kevin was my old boss at Adobe Systems. He's a kindred spirit. We then go have a few drinks. We stop back at my place. He gives me the shit. We do a couple of lines about 9pm. I tell myself that's it since I need to work in the morning. It's Tuesday. Well after he leaves I do a lil more. Then a lil more. Then a lil more. At around 7am I figure "Well I guess I'm not goin to work today". I email my boss my sick day email. Then I proceed to snort an entire 40bag by 9am.
Okay, now it's time to watch some porn... which remained on for the entire day. Later that night a couple of friends drop by for a bit. I am lying there on the sofa... incapable of speaking at this point since I am so high. My entire body from the neck down is numb... numb in a good way I tell you. Anyhow a couple of hours go by. I kind of ask them to leave... or at least hinted at it a lot until they finally did. I could barely walk. I WAS SO FUCKING HIGH! BUT CRASHING FAST! The time was about 9pm. I downed 3 tylenol PMs and passed out.
The next morning... I felt pretty good. Shocker. But my life force was weakening. Oh right... I had not eaten in 2 days. Must get food on way to work. So I jump in the shower. Nose cleaning time. This is really the unglamorous part of doing BLOW. I snort some water. And start to blow my nose clean. Hold one nostril. I blow with all my might. A few small buggers fly out. But something just broke loose. Now when I breathe out of that nostril, it's like there is a value opening and closing. Okay this will get it. One final blow as hard as I can! With a burst of freedom it dislodges with a slight popping sound. The speeding bugger hits the shower wall with a thud. It looked like a dime sized corn flake soaked in bloody slime. Lovely, now why do I do this? Can't get a boner, can't eat, burning a hole thru my nose, and 250 can be gone in an instant. HMMM? Because it feels pretty good to be in that numb state. And the ritual of racking lines and rolling dollars is fun to me.

Thursday, April 17, 2008
2 weeks and counting.

So I've got 2 weeks left in this grey town. Emerald City my ass. When you are having a rough time and constantly depressed this place sucks. "Oh what do you know? It's grey, cold and rainy again. Fuck this! I hate this place. Arrrrgh." So remaining at my desk for the next 2 weeks is going to be unbearable. Although I really can use that last pay check and dental appointment.
I have my regrests no doubt about coming back. Especially staying with Ed. What a fucking bad idea that was. Best left unsaid... if you don't know already. Anyhow at least now I have a criminal record. That always looks good on an artist's resume.
I am glad I came back to put closure on me and Stacie's divorce. Now I am moving away sad, not angry like before. This is better. I will miss the friends that I've made here in Seattle: The Launs, Sassy, Kenneth, Dawne, Slatton, Marlowe, Carly, Blane, Sherri, TDoug, Reiley, Rosie, Raven, etc. (The rest of you know I love you just as much as well.)
I hope that I land on my feet. Because one never knows. I am looking forward to the adventure. I can almost taste the freedom. Damn it tastes good. I pray that I improve my health, find peace, find a wife and make some babies.
I'll be sitting at this desk watching youtube for the next 2 weeks. Peace out!
Medical Software
Working is for Suckers
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Depression Happiness and Somewhere in the Middle

So off I go again. I am moving to New Orleans for a few months to get my head straight and help my mother out. She hasn't been well. I am bringing my airplane and will be helping in the "Rebuild New Orleans Project". Basically a huge habitat for humanity thingy. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family and nurishing my soul.
I'm really looking forward to flying in my plane with my dad.
Then I am serioulsy going to move to Costa Rica maybe temporarily or maybe permanently. We'll see where it goes.
I will be keeping this blog up to date from here on out. Because ahead lay quite an adventure.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Open Again To the Public

So my life is to be shared. No need to hide behind the truth. Time to open up the blog. Hate me, Love me, Indifferent to me... I really don't give a fuck. The truth will be told eventually anyway... and things I don't tell will be spread through rumors anyhow. I am alive. I've thought about 86'ing myself lately. But I have to admit, I'm as curious as you are as to how this journey will end. So I think I'm gonna ride it out. Hold onto your seats... because I have a feeling the end won't be pretty. Poetic yes... pretty NO. Oh BTW... this blog is best read from the beginning. and those of you that think this is just some joke or cry for attention? Try living... it ain't pretty but it is real. Mutha Fukkas!
-Loveless Forever
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