So what is freedom? Freedom comes in many forms. As of this post I have found my freedom comes with only 2 wheels. I recently purchased a new Honda Falcon NX400 Enduro Motorcycle. I have also purchased half stock in a Yamaha 225 Enduro for my chica to ride. Well in rainy season there is not much to do... unless you have a moto that is. Conrad and I went on a 3 hour ride yesterday that was truly mind blowing. We have video, but no fire wire cable, so I hope to post that as well in time. Costa Rica is just one giant motorcross track. In one day we rode dirt roads, into a beach town, through the river, on a paved curvy mountian road, up to a mountian dirt road, Finally ending at another pristine Costa Rican beach. There is something exhillerating about moving at 100km/hr over gravel up a hill with no thought of slowing down. These bikes just tear through the terrain like Speeder bikes from Star Wars. Your mind starts clicking through the moment so quickly there is not a second to think. You truly become one with the machine... picking lines through puddles and around rocks at a mind blowing pace. And after 3 hours you step off of these magical machines and cant help but holler out loud. "Fuck that was fun!" So in close, for this short excerpt if you´ve ever wanted to experience zen... while engaged in some kind of X games experiance.... ride an Enduro through the roads of Costa Rica. A man made track would never amount to the fun and variety that exists here.