Monday, May 12, 2008

Bicycle to Costa Rica from New Orleans? Me crazy? Me think so!

So first off I want to get healthy. Second I want to go to Costa Rica. Third I want to make a positive impact on the world.

I'm really considering riding from New Orleans to Cost Rica on my bicycle. I have no idea how to do this since I've never done anything like it. But I know it is possible. Anything is possible.

So over the next couple of months I'm gonna try to figure out how to do this and raise money for charity in the process. I am looking for sponsors. How can I get sponsors? I have no idea... but I think it is important and want to figure out how to do this.

I've been thinking about what charity I would do this for.... hmmmm? What is a good charity? I am on the fence but I think raising money to help rebuild New Orleans would be a good start. Maybe I can grow it from there.

Anybody else out there want to come on this adventure? I also want to make a documentary of the journey. I would need a chase car, nice video camera, and a friend to come on this journey. My friend Ed expressed interest. I could really use some solid advice on how to raise money, find sponsors, and make this dream a reality.

Maybe this is just one of my rambles... but I think the idea is solid enough to attempt a try at it.
Open to suggestions. So send them my way!