There is a Labyrinth called Venice. I really could not orient myself at all. It seemed like every street ended in a dead end. I painted a huge goofy face on the street in the middle of the night. I probably would be in trouble if I were caught since I painted it in oils. It will be there for a while I am sure. Ooops. Not one of my better works. I then fell asleep on the street and was harassed by the police... I have been in hand cuffs twice so far on this trip. Good thing they did not know about my street painting... I am sure they would have probably thrown me in jail. Time to go to Florence... eventually I assume I will not be welcome on the planet. I think someone should commit me. Oh my oil paint supplies are at the bottom of the Grand Canal... long story... I am not interested in sharing. I think I might stick to the drawing for a while before buying more oil paintings.