This is the town where Stratovarius lived. It is a beautiful little place outside of Milan. I've been drawing and writng a book lately... more than painting. I have about 12 blogpost that I wrote on my laptop that I can't seem to get my internet connection to work over here. As soon as I figure it out I'll post them all at once with a ton of photos. I finished my comissioned paintings for 500 bucks. She was very pleased. I have some of the craziest stories yet on my laptop. So keep in tune. Plenty of stories like the Acid trip moto scooter ride that ended in God somewhere... being slapped in face... the Jewish room mate who got drunk and shit in his pants at the Muslim boarding house(which I had to mop up while being scolded in some arabic language)... Or the French hostel roomate who apparently robbed a burger joint and shot a kid in the face... or the rich Texas philanthropist who has offered to be an Angel donor if I start a non-profit artist colony for americans to escape the rat race like I did... oh my... I am hooking up with an Italian girl tonight named Francesca... she is absolutely the definition of passion... crazy fucking chic... i hope she doesn't break me. She makes me seem quiet and shy.
Anyhow hope all of you are well. I have 2 new missions: stop people from jumping off of the Aurora bridge. And convince the pope to leave the cathedrals open 24\7. I think I'm gonna start a series of cathedral paintings... that all have a fence around them and a do not enter sign... which is what they all in fact do have. When I was sleeping a bench... I couldn't get into the church. Fucking ridiculous... "You can't cry here!" Screw that.