Friday, January 13, 2017

Jessy Chick (excerpt from Escape from the Vortex)

Jessy chic was this vulptuous singer, song writer, and piano player. They were all amazing. Any time I need a woman to make me feel better they were there for me. Jessy Chick was the founder of the open mic night as well. So I’d stop there and hang out in the hammock. Maybe have a Jim Beam Black on the rocks with a squeeze of lime and just watch the waves roll in behind the abundance of beautiful women on the beach. From there I’d jump back on the motorcycle and make my way toward crack bridge. It’s where all the derelicts, crackheads, and rasta would congregate. I’d hand out money and cigarettes. They would give the day’s news. Who got stabbed, who went to jail, and who died, sometimes.