So my bike looks quite loaded. I've got GPS, an iPod and Camcorder with mount. Tank bag(book sack) and loaded 2 panniers up with clothes. I've got DC/AC power outlets. There's full reinforced riding gear. 2 Helmets. A tent. A sleeping bag. A hammock. An inflatable air mat. Toiletries, Tools, Locks, and spares. I knocked the bike over in my mother's garage while packing it up. She came a running. I am happy to say I was able to upright it fully loaded by my lonesome. A good practice excercize for sure.
I have decided to go by way of Savannah Georgia and down the Atlantic Coast. I have never been to Miami, Fort Lauderdale or Key West. I was born in Key West but was too young to remember so this will be cool.
I have also decided to start a website called "BeTheExplore.com" with my travels and writings more palatable for the general public. We'll see how it goes. Currently I'm interested in Tattooing and getting back into website design. That's all from dysfunctional Loveless. Hope you all are well drop me a line.