So this is a funny story. A couple of weeks ago when returning on my bike from Nicoya. With fresh Burger King for Conrad, and myself. A young blonde woman was hitch hiking. I stopped and said get on. At that point I noticed she had 3 or 4 huge shopping bags that she used as luggage. Oh.... hmmmm.... maybe this is not such a good idea. But hey, it's only to Samara.... about 7km. So she loads up on the bike with all of her goods. About half way to Samara she tells me she is actually headed to Nosara which is about 34km. Hmmm? Well what the hell. I've got nothing else to do. And she's already loaded up on my bike. We go through the river. Then at about the half way point we stop to re-adjust ourselves. I get off and she is still on the bike. Kickstand down we start re-arranging her goods. Then all of sudden over goes the bike with her on it. She did a good job of getting her feet out of the way.
I then realize I've got an empty(except some highly desired whopperss) backpack that I am wearing on my chest. I tell her hey you wanna put some stuff in here? She gives me some groceries. As I get onto the bike an open milk container is bleeding heavily out of my backpack. And since it is on the front looks like I peed myself. Wouldn't be the first time. LOL. So eventually we make it to our destination. She gets off... I check the bag. And empty out her stuff. Oh no! Our Whoppers and fries soaked up all the excess milk. Oh well... who needs the fat content anyway? I DO!
So she snaps a picture of my soaked pants. I meet her 2 friends that are there to pick her up and say goodbye. Good Luck Gringa Chica!