To all the friends I have alienated and hurt. I am truly sorry to have treated you all will such disrespect. I have been truly troubled over the past year. And I have tested the loyalty of you all. I did in fact go to jail recently for disrepecting a great friend. 2 days in the slammer helps a man think. I'll will do my best to be a better friend myself. I always gave everything to everyone else in my life. When Stacie and I split... I became drunk with a "fuck you all" attitude. This attitude has made me lose most of the people who truly cared about me as friends.
I have a new job starting on Friday at a local Seattle software company as an engineering manager. I have a new apartment in Belltown. I am midstream in buying new furniture, electronics, dishes, clothes, toiletries, etc. I guess for now I am content in join ranks with my fellow rats in the race. I figure if I don't I'll probably end up dead, homeless, or in jail. I'm still on a quest to be the greatest artist of all time... but my reckless "party like a rockstar" has got to be stopped. I want to be remember as a good person above all else. This past 12 months... I have not been a good person. I never meant to hurt anyone... but hurt everyone.
Sorry. Wish me luck in my newest journey to be someone better than I am today.