Just kidding. So I´ve lost most of my communication devices. Cell is dead, computer is dead and credit card is gone. I couldn´t be happier. This place called Cadaques is a magic place. Anyone who is a master of their art and doesn´t quite fit in somewhere else journeys here and never leaves. It´s like the Gods have decended here and they have nowhere else to go. There are only 2 single women worth mentioning in this little town. And to talk with them is to talk with their father.
No thanks... so there is lot´s of time for reflection. I´m actually learning to be quiet. Imagine that. Somedays I just sit all day on a rock by the Sea and get to this really deep peaceful place in my mind. I´ve started looking for a place to live and make art. I need to start making a living as an artist in order to hold onto to my nest egg. The exchange rate isn´t helping my cause either. It is becoming quite a challenge to paint in a hotel room. I have temporarily post poned my journey eastward. Oh my God, I am stuck in Salvador Dali´s town... couldn´t be more perfect though. I love this place... and I´m really feeling embraced by the locals and my extended family of crazy artists.