So yesterday I slept the entire day. Then I took some Tylenol PM around 10:30pm. I think I'm finally on the right time zone. I woke up early this morning had a cafe Americano(Black coffee) and a croissant. I then set out to paint. It was a productive day. I was able to complete 3 pieces. A church, a narrow alley, and close up of street lamps. The alley one I traded for lunch at the Cafe... I totally forgot to take of picture of it. The church I was offered money for... but he said he had to go get it and I didn't feel like standing around. So, I think it is fairly impossible at this point to live in a world with no money. So I may adjust my strategy to reflect this acknowledgment of the truth. I figure I can live off of 60 euros a day... which includes my Hostel. So I figure I'm gonna try to sell each painting for 40 euros give or take for bargaining.