Saturday, April 28, 2007
Windmill painting... when I took shrooms!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Ahh! Ears pierced again! Tattoo next!

I just got both of my ears pierced because the tattoo guy was booked for 3 months. I think I've got a Dutch guy that can do my tattoo next week in Amsterdam.. I wonder if I can stream it live to my blog? Any ideas hit me up.
Starting to reflect as I prepare for the return trip to Seattle(which I think 1 day is a bad idea and can't wait the next day)...some of the friendships I've made along this journey will last a lifetime even if we never see each other again. You know who you are if you're reading this. Thank you for making me feel not so alone.
The world is full of wonderful people... a few bad seeds really fuck things up. Of course I've done my fair share of fucking things up the past 2 years. So I guess people are just fickle. I am looking at the castle posted above right now as I write this.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I'm in Prague now baby!
Monday, April 16, 2007
My Amsterdam Painting For Sale
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I'm still alive and the journey continues
I am done talking about myself for now. A jeaulous man once told me"The man who talks about himself no less about himself than the man who talks about him."
I also will start selling my paintings from here and Ebay to help fund my journey. I hope for your support for me to continue to search for meaning. I feel like I know what I must do... and the journey is just starting.
I also will start selling my paintings from here and Ebay to help fund my journey. I hope for your support for me to continue to search for meaning. I feel like I know what I must do... and the journey is just starting.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Call for photos of all the free art I given out!
Please send me a digital photo of the art you now own to be posted here. If you want to share your stories now even better.
This was my story. Time to start a new blog.
Tonight was just realization of what I already know...
-Oranized religion is a terrible thing... Jesus, Ghandi, Muhommed, Budha, they are all very sad with what we've done in the name of them. We should all be ashamed... I know I am... but I will continue being a stupid fucking human tomorrow anyhow.
-There is a such thing as the devil... I met him tonight!
-There is only one truth! Love is the fabric of the unvierse!
-Sex is a very dangerous force in the universe... treat it gently or don't treat it at all.
-I'm sorry for any pain I have ever caused you all. Especially my dear Stacie.
Peace out my peeps... time to get rested for tomorrow's nonsense!
This was my story. Time to start a new blog.
Tonight was just realization of what I already know...
-Oranized religion is a terrible thing... Jesus, Ghandi, Muhommed, Budha, they are all very sad with what we've done in the name of them. We should all be ashamed... I know I am... but I will continue being a stupid fucking human tomorrow anyhow.
-There is a such thing as the devil... I met him tonight!
-There is only one truth! Love is the fabric of the unvierse!
-Sex is a very dangerous force in the universe... treat it gently or don't treat it at all.
-I'm sorry for any pain I have ever caused you all. Especially my dear Stacie.
Peace out my peeps... time to get rested for tomorrow's nonsense!
Loveless forever!!!!! Never do this... I feel I have wrecked my life
Time for a nap. Please no one kill me... I was just having a chat with the creator. No tattoos no death! Shit should I clean up this blog or leave my freak out for you all too see. I think you should all see my broken heart for what it is. I have fulfilled my purpose here. Now will tomorrow lead me home... or to the other places where evil wreak! I just want what we all will love!
Am I still.... alive? When will I stop tripping a fuck!!!!!!
Who wants a fucking airplane? Oh fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No man is truly a man until....
They smoke weed all day... wake and bake... smell like fucking tequilla from the night before! It's Easter fucking Sunday... here's my broken fucking heart lord! ...me fucking lost out of my fucking mind on a box load of shrooms. I found myself between the Red District and a fucking big stupid ass fucking CHURCH!!! Happy Fucking Easter people! Is this what we become.... oh fuck!!!!!!!
We are alll going to hellllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh fuck! When will I stop tripping!!! Where are my fucking cigarettes!!!!!! All I have to do is eat that bread and come down... but I can't!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! When will it end!!!!!!!
We are alll going to hellllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh fuck! When will I stop tripping!!! Where are my fucking cigarettes!!!!!! All I have to do is eat that bread and come down... but I can't!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! When will it end!!!!!!!
I'm about to eat this box of shrooms
Friday, April 6, 2007
A new iPod! Thanks Stacie!
Stacie was kind enough to visit me for a few days. It was sometimes heart breaking but all in all a pleasent time. She was very kind in delivering me a new iPod and my shiny new Credit Crad. Thanks Stacie... you've always been my friend.
Sorry things didn't turn out better. It was nice to recognize your face in a world of strangers.
Sorry things didn't turn out better. It was nice to recognize your face in a world of strangers.
I'm in Amsterdam baby!
Something I did or said really made Adria avoid me! Sorry sweet heart... I will always love you. I hope to see you when I get back. Enough about hearts... Do you know what a land of bicycles is like? Close your eyes and imgane people being free enough to lay in the streets on acid without being run over by a car. This place us truly the best.
The food is sooo good... best Pizza on the planet!
The food is sooo good... best Pizza on the planet!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Marsella - Absinth Bar... Oh my!

Established in 1820! It is rumored to be the oldest bar in Barcelona. The decor is pretty ancient. Bottles that nobody has touched for over a century, floods of cob webs and dust, tables of marble and old mirrors.
This bar was founded by a native of Marseilles who introduced the Absinth, this hallucinogenic drink came from France. Many people like Picasso and GaudÃ, artists, Bohemians and also sailors, prostitutes and vagabond drunkards frequented this bar in earlier days.
Nowadays the clientele is basically composed by young people. I seemed to be the only person making art here.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Off to get shit faced
I´m not having a good day. I so wish my life was back the way it was 4 years ago. I want to come home. Oh right I don´t have a fucking home! My home is my backpack! Fuck! Oh well off to drink my ass into a stupor and hand out free art that I´ve been slaving over all day! Fuck! Is it obvious... I´m not having a good day!
I am alive... no doubt. But today is one of those days that the hurt in my heart makes my eyes water. May you all feel alive like I do. Somedays it makes me scream with elation! Somedays I can´t get out of bed and cry myself back to sleep... but I am alive... thank God I feel something!
I am alive... no doubt. But today is one of those days that the hurt in my heart makes my eyes water. May you all feel alive like I do. Somedays it makes me scream with elation! Somedays I can´t get out of bed and cry myself back to sleep... but I am alive... thank God I feel something!
Sharing some writings from my journal
Someone wrote this in my journal when I wasn´t in control of it. I think it´s beautiful.
"Old enough to know better
Too young to care
I´ve emptied my pockets
And the rain is in my hair
My art is soaked
from sitting on the the street
I´ve nowhere to go
and no one to meet
But I´ll draw my pictures
That no one will ever see
I feel quite fucked
but I´m still looking for weed
So I recieve my drawing pad back
And I finish my OWN life"
This person had me summed up pretty fucking good... not to mention it was a cold rainy night and I was indeed soaked... and indeed handing out art that you all will never see.
"Old enough to know better
Too young to care
I´ve emptied my pockets
And the rain is in my hair
My art is soaked
from sitting on the the street
I´ve nowhere to go
and no one to meet
But I´ll draw my pictures
That no one will ever see
I feel quite fucked
but I´m still looking for weed
So I recieve my drawing pad back
And I finish my OWN life"
This person had me summed up pretty fucking good... not to mention it was a cold rainy night and I was indeed soaked... and indeed handing out art that you all will never see.
Cold sores suck!
Nothing like a nasty fever blister to scare off women. I must be drinking too much... this is my second so far in three months. Hopefully love sees through these stupid fucking eye sores. I want a wife. I want love. Sometimes I feel so alone why can´t I have the kind of love I once had. I want a beautiful woman´s soul to love me. I need love. Without it I feel like Vincent Van Gogh. Does some one need me to cut off my fucking ear? Will someone love me if I promise to never have sex with them! Or cut off my fucking ear! Fuck! I am so alone... I don´t want to go back to my hostel. Am I too crazy to love? Fuck you God! Love sucks! AAAaaaaaaarrrrrggggghh!
Monday, April 2, 2007
¨I am the Best!¨ How loud did I say that?

Funny story. I was working out some ideas in my journal the other night. Then I met some Americans who are in the anti-terrorism business. What a fun bunch of folks to be in such a serious business. The owner was a petite chic from Hong Kong she had a laugh that could topple a building. And what she lacked in size she made up for in character. Anyhow, I had a really great time talking with them and Stewart the CFO was a really cool guy that helped me cut a rug without getting my ass kicked. Anyhow, I was telling them about the fact in Amsterdam you can buy pure MDMA(xtc). There had been so much bad xtc going around and people were getting sick that the fucking awesome ass Dutch government set up a program to ensure that anyone wanting xtc could be sure it was pure. So now ,supposedly, in all the discotheques there is a government appointed person that is there solely to test your xtc for you and let you know if it is real or not. So because of this Amsterdam now has the most consistently pure xtc on the planet. After telling my new friends this we were all going to jump on a plane and head to Amsterdam. As the night went on they realized it was just a dream for them...and I was bummed I couldn´t go with the crazy fun group. So they bought me drinks all night... my friend tequilla... ran heavy. I started ripping drawings out of my journal and handing them to girls, bar staff, and the owner of the club. I told them I was the greatest artist of all time. They asked why and I said, "Because I am the best!"... "I am ART!". So as I meandered the streets at 5am buzzed out of my head. I screamed, "I am the best!" at everyone I saw. Artist´s ego... doh! I really need to get settled into a studio so I can prove to anyone reading this that I am the best... ha...ha(honestly there is no such thing as the "best artist" there is only a person performing at his or her best) I´ve just been distracted by my so called life until now. It´s really difficult to paint master pieces in my hostel. But as an aritist it is my job to make people feel. Based on how much chaos/laughter/anger I´ve caused over here... I think I´m doing pretty fucking good as an artist... paint brush or no paint brush.
So anyhow on with the story... yesterday I took a break from art to grab a beer and some dinner. As I wandered down the Rambla. People would occasionally scream "You are the best!" At first I was a little embarrassed but then I embraced it and screamed right back,"YES!I am the fucking BEST!" Late last night I got into an arguement with 1 French guy about the fact he thought that I couldn´t be the best... then like magic someone I had given a really good drawing of 2 girls making out to whipped out the folded paper... and said he is the best! I don´t know if it was because I drew 2 chics kissing or he thought it was an awesome drawing... but at that point he said, "Okay...maybe you are the best" Maybe he just wanted to be my friend in case the sexy lesbos were near. Oh well... "I am the best!" Now if I could only be the best at the following: working out, not drinking/smoking or taking drugs, being a better son/brother/lover, being a better listener, being humble, being at peace... I´d truly be the more than the best artist.
I hope you all are the best in your own lives... at whatever it is you think is important. It´s a life long journey that is always something to drive toward. I believe no one will believe it unless you believe it. So I´m standing by my belief... "I´m the fucking best living artist!" It doesn´t matter what anyone else thinks... I know it... and that´s enough.
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